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Christmasworld Trends 24+

Autumn window displays: Creative ideas with Christmasworld Trends 24+

31 Jul 2024

From seasonal highlights to year-round eye-catchers: The Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano explains how retailers can create inviting window displays throughout the year with creative colour and staging concepts, thereby highlighting the strengths of stationary retail.

Eye-catching window displays and detailed in-store presentations are key to a unique shopping experience. Visual highlights attract customers and create an atmosphere that is difficult to replicate online. In-store, a special ambiance is created through variety and craftsmanship – a clear advantage for stationary retailers that should be leveraged. Storytelling is crucial here: thematic product presentations can narrate stories that emotionally engage customers.

a man and a woman at the trend area of Christmasworld 2024

„Variety, artisanal excellence, precise selection, and the fusion of contrasts and vintage in a freestyle mix offer a wide range of inspiration for engaging, varied, and artistic retail decorations.”

How can retailers create creative highlights in their shop windows?

By skilfully combining colour themes and creative displays, retailers can create an inviting and captivating atmosphere throughout the year. It’s less about the budget and more about the creative idea and the careful selection and presentation of the products. The colour charts provide an excellent basis that can be creatively interpreted to design attractive decorations year-round

What role do the Christmasworld Trends play in this?

The Christmasworld Trends offer excellent opportunities to integrate autumnal decorations into year-round concepts. The three trend themes and their colour palettes can be creatively interpreted, allowing retailers to create autumn decorations that remain relevant beyond Christmas. Products that aren’t exclusively festive and can be adapted to other contexts are also ideal for creating a charming autumnal display.


Which trend is particularly well-suited for autumn decoration?

For autumn window decorations, warm and inviting designs that reflect the seasonal colours are particularly recommended. The trend ‘SPIRIT OF CRAFT_bold + poetical’ is especially effective here, as it combines artisanal quality with creative recycling ideas. With striking colours like amber yellow and copper brown, paired with neutral tones and various materials, retailers can create an autumnal atmosphere that is both unique and appealing.

SPIRIT OF CRAFT blends craftsmanship, vintage appeal, and distinctive modern aesthetics with a personal touch.
SPIRIT OF CRAFT blends craftsmanship, vintage appeal, and distinctive modern aesthetics with a personal touch.


What tips do you have for selecting colour combinations?

The SPIRIT OF CRAFT colour palette is vibrant and lively, encouraging dynamic and unexpected combinations. Its warm tones feature striking colours such as honey amber, coppery brandy, and intense chilli, which can be paired with neutral shades and deep blues. These colours create a striking mix that is particularly effective in autumn.

A completely different effect is achieved when neutral tones, interpreted through materials such as wicker, wood, and raffia, take centre stage. In this case, the reds and greens play a more subdued role, resulting in a calmer yet equally engaging colour composition.

Powerful colours

Christmasworld Trends: Powerful colours
Christmasworld Trends: Powerful colours

Neutral accents

Christmasworld Trends: Neutral accents
Christmasworld Trends: Neutral accents

Yellow highlights

Christmasworld Trends: Yellow highlights
Christmasworld Trends: Yellow highlights

The striking amber yellow, combined with light and dark shades of grey as well as sepia, creates a neutral balance. The cool blue completes the charismatic colour palette.

Materials and techniques

Which materials and techniques do you recommend?

The creative use of recycling offers excellent opportunities for autumn window displays. Materials like wood, wicker, and textile elements can be used to create a warm, inviting atmosphere. Bold, unusual colour combinations also serve as eye-catchers. Typical autumnal designs often include textile experiments, various weaving techniques, and vibrant glass art. The impact of these expressive pieces is heightened by unexpected combinations.

2 young women at the trend area of Christmasworld 2024

A simple tip: Use recycled materials in decorative displays. Stretch warp threads on frames and then weave them with colourful, recycled materials to create truly decorative and vibrant effects. Showcase these frames in your window display to capture customers' interest with unexpected and fascinating compositions.

More tips

What other tips do you have for retailers?

Use photographs and external materials to create an emotional atmosphere. Variety in the product range is also important: handmade items from around the world or local products offer uniqueness. A mix of modern and traditional elements creates a dynamic appearance, while contrasts such as modern and artisanal, bold and playful make the decoration exciting. The principle of 'less is more' still applies – an overloaded display can quickly become cluttered. Focus on selected highlights instead.

Statement Claudia Herke, Stilbüro bora.herke.palmisano
Christmasworld Trends 2024: Decoration in the colours blue and yellow