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Boris Hedde

Retail concepts in times of structural change

7 Jul 2020

Processes of structural change that had already become evident before COVID-19, e.g. increased customer expectations, regional changes and greater online mobility, have become even more apparent as a result of the pandemic. In this interview, conducted before the Coronavirus outbreak, Boris Hedde, CEO of IFH Cologne, gives an overview of the challenges posed by structural change and suggests ways of tackling them. Digitalisation is not the only solution. Even if the high-street retail sector is currently in an extremely serious situation, the future does not lie purely online.


  • Analyse customer needs and make informed decisions.
  • Combine competencies and pool strengths in collaborative partnerships.
  • Create experiential spaces and combine them with product sales.

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Boris Hedde

Boris Hedde has been CEO of IFH Cologne since 2009. With his in-depth knowledge of customers, markets and locations, he is able to support the retail sector in the development of future-oriented concepts.