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Online Event

Sustainability meets Design

1 Sep 2022

On 31 August 2022, the online event Sustainability meets Design took place digitally with three top-class experts. Numerous forward-looking topics were discussed, such as circular design, sustainable materials and the relation between sustainability and design.

You couldn't be there? No problem - two lectures were recorded and can be streamed here free of charge. The lecture "Sustainable Material Technologies": Dr. Sascha Peters, Owner and Managing Director of the Future Agency for Materials and Technology Haute Innovation, was not recorded for copyright reasons. However, he is already firmly booked for the Conzoom Solutions Academy at Ambiente from 3 to 7 February 2023 and will give a similar talk there.

"Sustainability and Empathy in Design": Susanna Björklund, trend analyst and journalist

In her talk, Björklund argues that sustainability should be central to everything we do - including design, from start to finish. Megatrends make us make better choices, and so many great design concepts have emerged. She demonstrates this with examples and encourages us to rethink. She uses best practices to show how companies have implemented this in practice and encourages them to rethink.

"Circular Design Rules": Dr. Harald Gründl, Chairman Institute of Design Research Vienna

Ciruclar design is one of the focus topics in his presentation. He uses a "cooking event" to show nine aspects of how the path to a circular economy can work. He argues that we need to learn a "ritual of transition" in order to move from a linear consumption culture to a circular culture. He uses examples to show how this can work and what contributions already exist.